Multimedia collage

Some Bonds Never Die

Some Bonds Never Die

If you've ever had a dog then you get it and this... 

Law Enforcement & Military

Law Enforcement & Military

This Collection is all about those who serve! Thank You!  

  • Our Roots

    The idea for this company originated behind the windshield and started to grow in the notes app on my phone. What was initially just me looking for some new and cool dog related shirts one day and coming up empty turned into some pretty bad ass shirts.

    I am not a professional dog anything. That said anyone who knows me knows that I always have my Dogs with me. Its a special bond and this was one way to give back to the community that has helped teach me how to properly train and bond with Kiro, Echo and Ollie.

  • American Made & Local

    It was very important to me to do as much as I could using American Made products and local businesses to bring this idea to life. It costs more but as a small business owner by day I believe in it wholeheartedly.

  • Giving Back

    My goal is to utilze proceeds from this outlet to support American charities and community members as much as possible.

    I will be very transparent along the way with this.

    In order to do any of this we will have to sell some things. As I get things started here thank you for your support! Please share with everyone who you think will like the gear!